Thursday, 30 December 2010

Thanks for everything, 2010. Which wasn't a whole lot but whevs.


Around this time last year, I (along with probably half of the internet) posted a link to this song. Because along with half of humanity, I had had a pretty rubbish 2010. A year later, 2011 is over (duh) and I find that, against all odds, I did indeed make it through this year. Congratulations to me and everyone else who did it. Yay! Now, was 2011 any better than 2010? If so, not by much. Here's a rough summary of what happened:

- I fucked up my knee. Again.
- I finally saw The Arcade Fire, Eels and The National (all three were great)
- I developed a Tabasco addiction.
- I saw 'Psycho' for the first time ever (it was very good).
- I lost all three remaining grandparents.
- I went to my first funeral (it was weird).
- I interned at NME (it was terrible, but that was entirely my fault).
- I went to Munich and interned at on3 Radio (it was awesome).
- I went to Vienna for the first time ever (it was slightly bizarre but fun).
- I got a fairly useless degree.
- I wrote not nearly as much or as well as I should have done.
- I sang, mimed and danced along to "Rollin'" by Limp Bizkit.
- I moved back home (it's been OK - so far).
- I did not find/meet/acquire a girlfriend (I know, like you even care, right?).

So there you go. A slightly depressing list, now that I look at it, but what can you do. I hope your year was successful/eventful/interesting/inspiring or just not as much of a fucking trainwreck as 2010. It's the little things, right?

See you next year, suckas.

Photo credit: Demotivator