Saturday 4 September 2010

Sauna Youth

Yesterday, I ordered the new Sauna Youth tape. Today, I got in the post. This is how I like my oders to be processed. In addition to not fucking around when it comes to mailing things, Sauna Youth are also one of the best and most interesting new (ish) UK bands I've heard this year. They kind of mix RAW POWER-era Stooges and a punk rock ethics (and, in places, 60s girl groups) into a retro garage punk that sounds like it's the most fun to play ever. All of the dudes in the band have played in other bands for hundreds of years - there's two guys that used to be in The Steal, one of them was in Twofold, one in Captain Everything... you get the picture. All great bands, but Sauna Youth for me is the best of the bunch (well, maybe close second to The Steal). They've already released a couple of tapes and a 7" (which is ace too). Check their myspace for availability - they only made 50 of these particular bad boys and I've already got one so it's get one while they're hot (they've put a download link on their blog, which I hope they don't mind me reposting - if you do, let me know guyz).


Another reason for you to get one is the B side, which doesn't have any songs but an awesome short story by Jennifer Calleja, read by (I think) the singer and accompanied by a kind of ambient electro track. Not what you'd get from your average hardcore band, and it works perfectly. The story's about a university professor with a serious masturbation issue, but it's not garish or crude in any way - it's really sharply observed and beautifully written. She's got some more of her writing here, and most of what I've read so far is pretty good, too.

Photo credit: Sauna Youth

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